Missions At Warrenton Baptist Church

We are a church that has a heart for missions and for helping people. We support organizations in our area which help other people such as the Loaves and Fishes Food Ministry, the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC, and Rebuilding Hope in Henderson, among others. We partner with Baptist organizations to send money to those in need beyond our community and around our world. We also look for individuals in our community who are in need and seek to help them as we are able.

Local Missions

The missions and ministry committee meets regularly and engages the congregation in opportunities for service as they become aware of needs. Through contact with Warren County Schools, Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry, and the Warren County Department of Social Services, the church responds to the needs of families in the community. 

The Warrenton Baptist Church participates in providing a community meal in partnership with other local churches. There is no cost to those who receive the meals and fifty to eighty meals are usually served, many of which are delivered to shut-ins.

State, National, and International Missions

The Warrenton Baptist Church is dually aligned with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and the Southern Baptist Convention. That means that we cooperate with both networks of Baptist churches in sharing the gospel and meeting the needs of others, both at home and abroad.

The brotherhood ministry meets every second Sunday in the Fellowship Hall for breakfast. Church and local needs are discussed, and various services for the community are provided. 

Each November a "Mile of Pennies" fundraiser provides support for the Baptist Children's Home. In December, food items contributed by our church members are delivered to families in need.

The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Offering for Global Missions provides support to about 125 field personnel who minister in more than thirty countries on five continents. These commissioned ministers work with the poor in locations across the United States and around the world.

The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering of the North American Mission Board honors the life and work of Annie Walker Armstrong, who served tirelessly as an advocate and supporter for missions efforts throughout the world. The offering is directed toward transforming lives by spreading the gospel across North America.

The North Carolina Baptist Missions Offering is a special offering received in September to support ministries of North Carolina Baptists on Mission, church planting, mission camps, associational projects, and mobilization ministry projects.

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering supports the ministries of the International Mission Board. It helps support missionaries unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.

Ministerial Scholarships

Every year since 2018, the church has funded seminary scholarships for ministerial education. Our church believes in an educated and well-prepared clergy. Scholarships have been given to Campbell University Divinity School, Duke Divinity School, Wake Forest University School of Divinity, and Yale Divinity School.